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Free Pain Relief At Home

Let's get into the meat (literally) and attack trigger points.

I can't cover every nook and cranny in here but I can give you a tool I use to help sports clients get rapid pain relief.

So let's cover just the basics and what to do:

  1. Actually do recovery work

  2. Know adhesions

  3. Find where the trigger point is

  4. Active release

It's that simple.

The main issue we see in sports injury is mf's not wanting to do what needs to be done.

If you wanna keep moving and keep building do upkeep for gods sake.

If it was good enough for Hippocrates plus roman and greek warriors there's no reason you can't do it.


Simply put, you break it your body fixes it. You 100% will pay for it.

When stress tears things your body will build barriers to protect it. This results in scar tissue, inflammation, pain and so on.

Look below.

Trigger points:

Myofascial trigger points, also known as trigger points, are described as hyper-irritable spots in the skeletal muscle.

They are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers. Those "knots" you feel.

This could be an adhesion or a contracted fiber.

Why does this matter?

Because your pain is dependent on which one of these is causing it and how you treat it.

Active release:

Now, If you can I recommend you work with some sort of muscle specialist (sports massage, myoskeletal therapists, chiro) if you can.

However, not everyone has funds or time for that.

So heres what you do and don't worry it's much easier than it sounds:

1. Find the area of tension (the knots/adhesions etc) 2. Figure out which muscle is the issue (sometimes it feels like a trap muscle but its deeper and is actually your supraspinatus) 3. Pin the muscle origin with either a hand, lacrosse ball, or tennis ball.
You can also pin where the actual knot is. You can even have someone else pin the muscle for you.
4. Fully lengthen the muscle by stretching while pinned for 5-30 seconds 3x.
5. Go through range of motion with the muscle pinned

It's very simple and very effective.

Might maybe hurt, you will be sore if done right.

If there's not enough pressure you won't do anything, reallllllllly grind that SOB but never over stretch to the point you cause more damage.

See below:

Seem like almost rolling out on a lacrosse ball or foam roller?

Essentially is, but just make sure to isolate the muscles and extend them fully as well as go through complete range of motion pinned.

Do this every day 3x times for a week and you'll be feeling better.

If you're not feeling better you're probably just gonna die.

Really though just see a specialist if it doesn't get better.


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